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Our Community

Longboarding and Skating is for everyone and not just a select few,  our community reflects this fact and we have members of all ages and walks of life.... 


Why not Meet a few of them ?

Charl Atkinson, 34 


1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

Started skating in the late 80's after watching the movie "Trashin" and never  stopped- all time classic !!!

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ? 

​Both DH and Freeride, depending on the mood

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer ?

Ride a landyachtz switchblade with Paris trucks for freeride and same â€‹with Bear Precision Trucks for DH

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community ?

Community mmmm, we are a large community but all have one thing in common we love Skating !!

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why ?

Yes brilliant idea, specially to create awareness of using safety equipent among the riders and to crreate public awareness

6. What do you do when your not skating ?

Surf, spend time with my partner and dogs, work as a Software Developer

Devin  Ê• •ᴥ•ʔ  Cyrus, 22


1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

The sheer joy and exhilaration that came with actually riding a skateboard  for the first time sucesfully, even though I bailed I was hooked!!! That was back in 2010, and since then I've never looked back.​ 

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

NIks, ek hou van vokken plank ry!!!
3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer ?
First Setup : Sector 9 Joel Tudor (Stock Components)

Current Preferred Setup: Rayne Deemonseed, Sabre GC-190, Cult  Converters/Abec11 Flashbacks

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community ?
We need unity and mutual respect, without any preconceived notions about one another,  in order for us to have a successful community.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why ?

Yes, I definitely think that it's a great idea, hopefully it'll be just what we  need to try and knock a bit of common sense into some skaters where it seems lacking, and in turn bring about a safer, friendlier and more appropriate atmosphere around the local skateboarding scene.

6. What do you do when your not skating ?

Enjoying what this wonderful planet has to offer...

Morgan "Charger" Brand, 25

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

I started street skating back in 2000 and skated for 4 years but boarding school      won and curbed my habit. I have only recently taken to longboarding and still         getting the feeling.     

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

 I prefer DH, for some reason my body doesn’t like spinning on a board. Back in the day power slides were always a hack!​

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

Lush Shocker for my feet with Calliber 44s for turning and gam gams for     traction being spun by bones reds bearings.

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

​Skateboarding is amazing as it has the ability to unite people from all aspects of life. Take some time to think about the people you hang with while skating and ask yourself; if it wasn’t for skating would you have met them? I haven’t met an asshole yet…

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

​If you bail and get put out of action for a while it is torture watching all your mates skate and I promise, it’s even worse if the reason you are out is because you weren’t wearing the right protective gear. Every fool should at least wear a helmet cos I’m afraid there just aint no way to replace your noggin but protection is only half the story. I have been chased away from spots before and it is because the public have a bad perception of skateboarders in general. If we are able to show an active approach towards road awareness as a community, it will help lift this stigma that surrounds skateboarding and I think this is exactly what Think Skate can do. A community of misfits all uniting for the same cause is a strong case and I’m keen to show everyone we are here to stay!

6. What do you do when your not skating?

When I’m not on my board I am a MSc student. Once a Rhodent, always a Rhodent!​

Mark "Almost Doctor" Cyrus, 26

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

 Believe it or not my Dog !! ... I got my first longboard in 2009 to use as a sled to train my Malamute Joker, and have been hooked ever since. I use to do a little vert skating for a while in 2005 but only because we had a half pipe in our garden at digs..

 2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

 I couldn't say .....I love DH and its what drew me to this sport initially but after I saw someone sliding I was so intrigued I had to know how it was done . I just love longboarding as a package deal ....

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

Preffered DH : Sector 9 - Kommi, Sabre Trucks, Cult - Gamma Rays 

Preffered  Freestyle: Rayne - Rival, Pairs Trucks,  Cult - Converters 

Landyatzch - Switch, Randal 2, Abec 11 -  Flashbacks

PSB - Burning Spear, Gullwing - Chagers, Metro - Motions
4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I think the foundations on which the community have been founded  are  strong and solid and i think we need to continue to grow as the sport does and adapt to its popularity. In the end we are all just wanting to have a good time doing what we love....    

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Yep, that's why I decided we should start the campaign I want our community to try and be pro active when it comes to safety and how they skate and in this way we can actively show we are doing something to build our sport in a positive way and hopefully increase public acceptability of longboarding and skating in general.   

6. What do you do when your not skating?

At the moment I study at UCT and am writing up my PhD thesis and a few publications, so I would have to say that takes up most of my time with a few breaks for Think Skate of course.

Micheal Goullee, 23

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

The adrenalin rush! I have always had a love for anything that can get my blood pumping. I got my first board in 2011. I find it very similar to surfing, but I never have to fight for waves and the vibe is always friendly.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

I enjoy each for different reasons. DH for the adrenalin, freeride keeps it interesting.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

Preffered :Landyachtz Switchblade, Paris Trucks, Cult Convertors/Abec 11 Big Zigs Home Made Board
Chuck McTruck (Vintage Cruiser)
4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

The community is growing every day, although I find there is a divide between  the older and younger generations. The other thing I notice is "crews" are getting  more defensive about "their spots", which I think is not right! We should all work  together for the greater good of this sport!

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Yes, this will hopefully create awareness of this growing sport. It should also slowly change the stereotype of skaters being lazy, destructive troubled youths to people who just want to enjoy themselves while being safe.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

 I own/manage and fly for a air charter company, so this takes up the rest of my time.

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Anton "Fat Ant" Pratt, 33

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

Justin Boast and I were building a mini-ramp and had leftover wood which looked like the shape of a surf board...we were so immersed in the creative 'build it and they will come' stage, that we slapped on some trucks and the rest is history so to speak......that was back in 2001.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

Both....I love them equally they give you such a connection to to your senses, freedom and ones inner self. When I'm on full tilt burning down a mountain pass I am in my quiet place, totally relaxed but totally plugged into what's going on.......skating makes me a better person.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I have too many boards but my current set-up is for racing and free-riding, I like the fact that I can settle into one board and simply change the bushings according to the situation.
Deck: Project Skateboards- "the Savage"
Trucks: GOG BB3 180mm
Bushings: Bombing - Fat Ant 88a O'Beast - 88a/85a Barrel
Free Riding - Fat Ant 80a O'Beast - 83a Barrel

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I feel our Community is tight and full of love and respect. As a whole we are family, young, old, talented, beginner you name it we are a part of it....there is no discrimination between class/creed/race etc. This mindset is not just in South Africa but exists all over our beautiful Planet. The Downhill Family is alive and kicking Brothers and Sisters. 

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Yes Yes Yes...I cannot stress the importance of this initiative enough. Their have been a few incidents in the recent past that have saddened me and ultimately forced us to re-evaluate the conditions in which we put ourselves as skaters. Along with the mindset and outlook of the public. We use public roads and share them with motor vehicles etc. Road safety and your own road awareness are paramount to your safety.
I think considering yourself a 'vehicle' while skating and reading/reacting to traffic and situations like a 'vehicle' will greatly enhance your safety on the roads for skaters and others.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

Sleeping, Owner of "Fat Ant" Bushings

Gerhard "Steeze Pony" Nel, 25

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

​​I used to be a street skater as a kid, but also had a fascination for longboards. My hometown is by the sea  so these surfboards-of-the-land had a mystical appeal to me.  I eventually bought myself a Sector 9 cruiser in 2008, with some money I saved up in an attempt to go on a surftrip overseas.  The surftrip never happened, and I sold all my surf gear to buy wheels. Oops.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

I like skateboarding. Period. I absolutely hate competition and pressure, but love going really fast and feeling out of control. That's why I race DH. I also like being in complete control and getting expressive, thats why I like Freeriding.  I also like feeling like a kid, that's why I have big-ass street skateboard that I use to ollie things and sometimes hang out with street skateboarders to look cool.  I also like skating switch and skating on my one foot as long as I can. There's no skating that I dont like, except Freestyle Longboarding. Not the biggest fan of those cross-steps, flowers and ambient soundtracks. Brutal is the way to go. 

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I like to have a everytying-board that I use for DH and Freeriding, but these people from the UK (Lush Longboards) keep on sending me new boards for free. I really dont understand why. So currently I have a DH deck, a DH board with a tail, and a fat skateboard with big Indy 169's and 63mm wheels.  That is a bit bigger than the average skateboard in case you wondered.  And yes I prefer Cult Wheels for everything, I even have a set on my Citigolf.

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I am absolutely in love with our longboarding community, with the emphasis on "our".  We are a big family and even the little ones prefer to be responsible (at least they create the impression that they are). I dont feel much for the heaps of consumers buying longboards - their lack of education render them a threat to themselves and to us.

Not even to mention the problems with skaters' fundamental human rights, how cyclists are allowed to act like drunken motorbike drivers, and the horrid by-laws and stereotypes. But  I stopped caring about all that stuff. I prefer to go skate.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Great idea dude, I fully support it.  Longboarders specifically need guidance, as it is usually practised on an open road.  The kids also need guidance, as they don't have car licenses so most of them have no clue of traffic rules (I have seen this firsthand, more than once haha).  If a street skater throws himself down 20 stairs, its his own problem.  If a longboarder throws himself down a road that he cant handle and end up being squashed to a pulp by a truck, it's the community's problem. Educate educate educate. 

6. What do you do when your not skating?

Working on a top-secret world domination plan, all kinds of degenerative habits, yoga, cook, read, write, pamper my lady, etc. I am also Candidate Attorney and write creative jibberish to keep sane.  Try and publish something here and there, but nothing major.  This is all lies though, all I care about is my skateboard.  This growing up thing is for misfits.

Photo by: Jakub Fulin

Raoul van den Berg, 26

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

2005 I got my first Longboard. Ugliest Sector 9 ever, but to me she was a beaut! I saw a girl in a Lenny Kravitz music video...just gliding along, no effort. I had to experience that.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

 I race Downhill mainly, and do a lot of freeriding. Freestyle and dancing is not really my thing.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I have to many to mention, but my favorite is my race board.

It's a GMR Pro Tucker with Ronin Trucks, Fat Ant Bushings and whatever Orangatang wheel that tickles my fancy that day.

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I love how accommodating our community is to newcomers, the neighborhoods that we skate in and the environment in general.The core guys really hammer on the safety aspects too! This is good. And well it's just a rad bunch of people to be involved with.

One thing that does bother me a bit is it has expanded at a exponential rate. Meaning there are kids out there skating that has had no exposure to the core community, meaning they haven't gotten exposed to it's safety aspects, spot etiquette and the real DH family.    

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Awareness is always good, big or small. Every bit helps. I first got to do with this sort of a initiative, during my motorbiking days. It worked there, so no reason it shouldn't here.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

With Business partners I run a distribution company in Stellenbosch supplying SA's finest core skateshops with Loaded boards, Orangatang wheels and Paris Trucks.

Henry Muller,  16

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

My friend came back from America in December 2010 with a longboard, and a broken leg (due to a ski accident). so I spent my holiday on his board. It was around the time the movie "DROP my life downhill" premiered in Cape Town and me and him went to watch it at the Labia. After watching that movie and meeting all the guys I was hooked.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

Both, I love DH and have competed in few races and even won one (Faircape DHX), but freeride is just amazing, and its what I do almost everyday so I HAVE TO love it.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I have a Fibretec Classic flyingpan 940 top mount, Homemade Precision trucks, and various wheels mainly Abec 11. I WILL NEVER NEED ANOTHER BOARD Fibretec are the best.!!!!!

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I feel it has grown insanely and with the boom came alot of stupidity, but luckily we are a bunch of close nit family and we will whip those who disobey the rules into shape. I love coming together at the races and experiencing my passion for skating with others around me that share it.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

YES, VERY!!! Alot of the younger people, but also the elders, need some education on safety gear and how to control what they are doing on a skateboard. Also we need to learn to respect the people who's roads we are using as in the end, we are technically breaking the law. And I hope that this campaign gets that message across and enlightens our community of not only skaters, but residence and council members etc, so they can see where we are coming from.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

I tweak my setup, watch skate videos, talk about skating, Oh and I also go to school.

Gabi Murray-Roberts, 27 

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

I got into skateboarding towards the end of 2010, had a few friends who were just getting into it themselves, took me a while to actually start skating myself, but through my friends i started meeting some of the community of longboarders and really loved the vibe of the people i was meeting. I started attending some of the races and was overwhelmed with the stoke of the riders and the sport, i was hooked.By December 2010 i had my own my board and by early 2011 i was free riding my first race and by August 2011 i was competing in my first race. This particular race was the first time in SA longboarding history ( as far as a i know) that there was a ladies category.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

Hmm thats difficult, i dont really have a preference. both are equally exciting and rewarding.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I dont really have a whole lot of setups, mostly just change my wheels up a bit. I ride a locally made board from Boardyard, foam core carbon fibre, at the moment im riding it top mount, but it can also go drop through, the reason im riding it top mount is because im riding sabre 30degree trucks, super low, but i prefer a low a board and the lower degree base plate is perfect as the board is still nice a low but i have the maneuverability of a top mount. Wheels, like i said get changed up, i just shredded through a set of Abec 11 Grippins which i was using for freeriding. Ive also got a set of Abec 11  'seven o's pinks which i love using for bombing. Some other wheels that i enjoy using are Orangatong 4 pres for free riding and in heats for bombing or racing.​

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

The longboarding community is a huge part of why i got into downhill skating. And now forms a huge part of my life in fact. I am a member of SAGRA ( South African Gravity Racing Association) who organise or sanction all the main downhill skateboarding and luge races across the year. I also have some of my own projects that i am busy with to help bring the community together as the sport is growing at such a rapid pace i think its important to maintain what the community prides itself on which is that we are a family and not just a community.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

I think the think Skate is an excellent initiative. Its just what the sports needs at the moment. As i mentioned before the sport is growing at a tremendous rate and we need create awareness and educate people about the sport to avoid any misconceptions. This is exactly what the sports needs at this time, not only for the public but for the riders who are just getting into the sport, to help educate them on safe skating, which is vital to an ever growing sport.

​6. What do you do when your not skating?

When im not skating im generally organising a race or some other skateboarding event.

Matt Arderne, 23

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

Around 2001, as kids it was what we did when the waves were bad. Pretty much everyone was into bombing hills back then because of the Red Bull which was run from in 2000, 2001, and 20002.

I only got properly involved in 2009 when things started getting interesting with freeriding. The sport became a bit stagnant in South Africa after Red Bull pulled out of the DHX, but things are looking great internationally now, and better than ever locally!

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

 I enjoy a good race, but I spend most of my time freeriding the local hills. I’d say I am happiest shredding a long freeride run with friends.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I’v been skating a Fibretec Flying Pan for the last 2 years for both racing and freeriding, there really isn’t much more I could want from a board, still as stoked as ever on it! Wheels wise I use Bigzigs for racing and Classic Grippins for freeriding.

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

It is great, the community aspect of longboard is one of the things that has held my interest in the sport as there are so many great people that I have met through skating.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Definitely, I love the initiative. Downhill skating involves us spending time on open roads. People who have driven cars appreciate how little you concentrate sometimes when you are driving, and especially how you are NEVER looking out for skateboarders when you go around corners. Groms don’t know these things, and they skate accordingly. If we could get the groms to think about what they are doing, and at the same time create awareness about our activities, I think we might make some progress in creating a safer skating environment.​

6. What do you do when your not skating?

I edit videos and study Industrial Engineering

Lloyd Clark, 27

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

That's a long story but here is the shortened version: I started bombing hills with a few close mates on a regular skateboard that one of my friends (Massimo) had found. We all got addicted to the adrenaline and soon we each had our own "regular skateboards". This was in 2008. We all went on a road trip that year and took our boards with. We ended up staying a few nights at Mike Zietsmans house since he is cousins with Steve (one of the road trip crew). Mike was 4th in the world that year and showed us a bunch of videos that got us stoked. To be honest, when Mike told me that to slow down from 120km/h he would air brake and then balance on one foot while dragging the other on the road (foot braking) I never thought I would be capable of something like that so I made a subconscious decision to bombing hills on regular skateboards. Massimo didn't feel the same way and was amped on going fast! He eventually got a longboard and I couldn't keep up anymore so I got one too. Is it cliche to say that it was all downhill from there? Well it really has been. Downhill skateboarding has changed my life dramatically.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

I love technical downhill where you actually have to brake for corners and take good lines. There is nothing better than bombing down a hill with a bunch of skaters all only an arms length away. It sounds scary because if anyone makes a mistake you'll probably all go down but you only skate like that with guys you can trust. That's what makes it so awesome! It's like this insanely tight bond that is created between skaters when they first bomb a hill together.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I prefer topmounted decks for racing and drop-through for freeriding. About a 29 inch wheelbase works for me. I could list a bunch of brands that I use but I don't think this is the place for that. Everyone is different and it takes years to find the perfect set-up for you. I'm still looking.​

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

"Our" longboarding community? You mean in South Africa in general? It's pretty sweet. There has been some massive growth in the last year which I think has actually caused a bit of separation. It was a much tighter community when everyone knew everyone but growth is good. I much prefer how it is now because not so long ago it was difficult to find people to skate with in Jo'burg. Now I feel like I'm missing out on sessions all the time because there are just so many! I often find myself in different cities so I always try to meet up with the local communities. It's always so awesome how after one session with the guys you feel like you've known each other for years just because you have skateboarding in common. I find it interesting how the communities in each city are all so different and each has their own style of skating.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

If it's promoting safe skating then hells yes! It's a great initiative. To be honest though, I feel that the words "Think Skate" could be sending out the wrong message. It's the same with "Think Bike". You're not going to be able to get the millions of car drivers to always think about the few thousand of bikers and the few hundred skaters. We should probably be starting within our own communities and promote a "Think Car" attitude. We should be skating as if there IS a car around that blind corner on the wrong side of the road so we need to either have a spotter to tell us or we must be able to stop in time and avoid a serious crash. Your own safety starts with you. We can't rely on other road users to always obey the rules and have the safety of others in mind. This is Africa, it's not going to be like that. Humans make mistakes. Then there is human error too. Don't let the mistakes of another human take your life or put you in a wheelchair.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

 Wait for the next session.

Nick Reitz, 24 

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

A group of friends used to longboard, I took a spin in the parking lot one day and 2 months or so later, I had a board. That was about half way through last year (2011).

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

 Difficult to say...but I like going fast and trying to improve on speeds on each run so its DH for me. Could be because I come from a DH mtb background.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

First setup- Globe ‘Zodiac’ Stock Complete

Current setup -Landyachtz Switchblade 2011 , Sabre GC-190 trucks, Fat Ant bushings, Cult Classics (freeride)/Seismic Hot Spots, ABEC 11 BigZigs (DH).

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

I feel the longboard community gets deemed as a bunch of hooligans, just out there to cause trouble and get hurt... when really this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is always a large ‘stress’ on the safety side of things. (don’t kno if I answered that correctly).

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Yes I think it is. As I mentioned in the above question, people think we hooligans, maybe when they see us making and effort with a more official approach they will give skaters more slack. Skating is a huge part of many people’s lives and they aren’t going to stop skating, so I think its time people became aware of skaters, why should cyclest’s be treated any differently...?

6. What do you do when your not skating?

 Studying horticulture at CPUT or learning at home...

Paul Maughan-Brown, 23 

1. What got you into skating/longboarding? and when was it?

I learnt to snowboard on exchange in Canada, and loved it. When I got back to South Africa I realized that the closest equivalent available to me was probably longboarding. With a bit of enthusiastic encouragement I bought my first board and haven't looked back since. That was in 2010.

2. What is your preference DH or Freestyle ?

I love a good freeride or a mellow cruise.

3. What setups do you have and which do you prefer?

I have my first set-up: Sector 9 bamboo ghost tree with stock gullwings and sector 9 wheels.My current and preferred setup is a landyachtz switch, Sabre trucks, and white cult converters.

4. How do you feel about our longboarding community?

The great thing about longboarding is that its accessible to so many people. Not everyone has snow, not everyone has waves. Even where you do have waves, not everyone can make the mission to the beach on a regular basis. When it comes to skating all you need is a road. And almost everyone has access to a tar-slope. That means that you get a really diverse group of people coming out to ride hills together. If you want to bring people of a variety of ages, and from a variety of backgrounds together, you need something for them to share in. We share in the stoke, and the encouragement and camaraderie between us is clear for any to see.

5. Do you think "Think Skate - Skate Safe" is a good idea? and why?

Great idea. We need to promote awareness in relation to both the presence and relative vulnerability of skaters, and the importance of those skaters taking responsibility for the way in which they enjoy themselves.

6. What do you do when your not skating?

I am finishing my honours in Justice and Transformation at the University of Cape Town.

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